Is robotic heart surgery safe?

 Robotic heart surgery is surgery with a small incision in the upper part of the heart (chest). With the help of small instruments and robotic machine-controlled machines, cardiac surgeons are able to perform non-invasive surgery rather than open-heart surgery. This procedure is sometimes called da Vinci surgery because that is the name of the robot that is used in surgery. Artificial Intelligence has a bright future in Cardiology. It plays an important role in digital cardiology. Robotic surgery has been used for a variety of heart-related surgeries including coronary artery bypass grafting, including coronary artery bypass grafting, cardiac dissection, valve surgery, and implant removal. The advantage of robotic surgery is that it is a small comparison with the heart comparison. The great advantages of robotic surgery include excellent vision, improved intelligence, and greater accuracy.

Potential risks and problems with robot surgery:

In general, robot heart surgery has many risk factors for heart surgery. They are the most common complications of robotic heart surgery including bleeding, risk of infection, temporary sensation, respiratory problems, stroke, heart disease, blood clots in the legs, or drug reactions.

Different type of robotic heart surgery:

      ·        Mitral valve repair
·        Septal myectomy
·        Tricuspid valve repair (with mitral valve repair)
·        Atrial septal defect (ASD) repair
·        Patent foramen oval (PFO) repair
·        Removal of cardiac


  1. In the realm of urology, robotic surgery offers precision and less invasive procedures. Extensive research and clinical evidence affirm its safety. Benefits include reduced blood loss, faster recovery, and fewer complicationsis robotic surgery safe With meticulous training and advanced technology, is robotic surgery safe stands as a safe and effective option in the world of urological intervention


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